Welcome to Our Girl Jen's Fundraising Page

Aug 13, 2019

Dear Friends and Family,

Thank you for your generosity and kindness in supporting Our Girl Jen. As we enter into our 13th year, we have a renewed power and fight. We are devoted to finding a cure so others do not have to suffer as Jen courageously did.

During the course of Jen’s battle with Leukemia, she raised money for Light the Night. She spoke at events, hoping to inspire others to raise money. Jen was beautiful, feisty, funny, smart, loyal and protective of her family and friends and for those who couldn’t protect themselves. She didn’t want others, especially kids, to suffer from this awful disease.

We will continue to raise money for many reasons: To save lives, to honor patients and their families who have suffered from this disease in the past and who will suffer from this disease in the future; to honor those who have donated their time, their money, their blood and their bone marrow; to save the life of a relative, a friend, a stranger; to honor Jen’s wishes and to honor her name. We do it for the love of Jen!

For those of you who are not familiar with Light The Night Walk, it is The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s nationwide evening walk to celebrate and commemorate lives touched by cancer. Leukemia is the leading cause of death by cancer among children. Every 10 minutes, an adult or child dies from a blood cancer. Let’s help find a cure!

Please join me in my fight against these deadly diseases. Anyone can participate and there are two different ways to do so.

 1. Join our family team, Our Girl Jen, and walk with us on Saturday, October 26 at Avaya Stadium.

All walkers on our team our encouraged to raise at least $100, and become a Champion for a Cure…it’s easy and there are lots of great tips on your fundraising web page to help you get your fundraising started.

2. Donate to our Team. Go to: www.lightthenight.org & search for our Team Our Girl Jen & make an online donation to our Team.

If you choose to write a check, payable to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, please write Our Girl Jen on the memo line of the check or on the envelope.

Mail to: LLS 100 W San Fernando St Suite 365, San Jose, CA 95113


Patty & Mike Juanes


Donate now

We are no longer accepting donations for this event, however you can still make a donation to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.


Team Name Subteam Walk Site Date Team Captain City/State
Our Girl Jen Avaya Stadium 10/26/19 Mike & Patty Juanes San Jose, CA

Supporter Comments

"For a wonderful cause in Jen's memory! Love to the family, Eileen and Chet ❤"
Eileen and Chet
Sat Aug 17 08:42:40 EDT 2019
"I love Team Our Girl Jen"
Julianne Dunn
Mon Oct 14 11:01:23 EDT 2019


107 %

Donate now

We are no longer accepting donations for this event, however you can still make a donation to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.

Thanks To

Julia D David $250.00
The Hawkinson Family $200.00
Steven & Eunji Juanes $50.00
Julianne Dunn $50.00
Sam and Rebecca $50.00
Eileen and Chet $50.00
Shari Turcotte $6.00
Kendall Pereira

Supporter Comments

"For a wonderful cause in Jen's memory! Love to the family, Eileen and Chet ❤"
Eileen and Chet
Sat Aug 17 08:42:40 EDT 2019
"I love Team Our Girl Jen"
Julianne Dunn
Mon Oct 14 11:01:23 EDT 2019